Process for if you do not have an adhesive allergy

After your tattoo session I will be applying a bandage over your tattoo; the brand I use is Dermshield. Keep the bandage on for 3-5 days depending on the complexity of the tattoo and your condition.

  1. On the night you decide to take off your bandage, remove the bandage in the shower, gently remove any dried blood and plasma, let the tattoo dry, and apply a thin layer of unscented moisturizer. (Avoid anything petroleum-based or thick like Vaseline or Aquaphor. Common recommendations are Cerave, Cetaphil, Aveeno, baby lotion, any generic body lotion or moisturizer for sensitive skin).

  2. Keep tattoo clean and moisturized with gentle soap and unscented ointment at least 2 times a day for 2 weeks or until your tattoo is fully healed. Dial gold is a common soap recommendation.

  3. Avoid picking at your tattoo when it is peeling.

  4. Avoid soaking and direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks when your tattoo is settling in. (So no swimming or bathing for at least 2 weeks, showers are ok, but don’t hold your tattoo under the shower head.)

Tattoo healing process video

Bandage removal example

If you have an adhesive allergy

  1. Let your tattoo artist know if you are already aware of it.

  2. If this is your first time trying these bandages and you have a reaction, remove the bandage ASAP, wash your tattoo with water and anti-bacterial soap, then pat dry with a clean paper towel.

  3. Apply a THIN layer of Aquaphor or a healing ointment 2-3 times per day for 3-5 days. Do not over-apply the ointment as it prevents your skin from breathing and in some cases even removes ink from the tattoo!

  4. After 3-5 days, switch from a healing ointment to a normal body lotion/moisturizer and follow the steps above.

Things to Avoid While Your Tattoo is Healing

  1. Keep your tattoo out of the sun until your tattoo is fully healed.

  2. You can start applying sunscreen once your tattoo is fully healed.

  3. Avoid working out until your tattoo is full healed. If you have to exercise, light exercise is preferable and not until after the bandage has come off (you don not want to get sweat trapped in the bandage because it can cause an infection).

  4. Do not submerge your tattoo in water (so no baths, pools, or saunas).

  5. Do not pick or scratch at your tattoo. Do not apply an anti-itch cream; instead scratch around your tattoo or lightly pat it.

  6. Only use Aquaphor if your bandage doesn’t work, and if you do, only use a pea size amount. If you find that there is too much on your tattoo lightly pat some off with a paper towel. DO NOT USE ANY AQUAPHOR AFTER THE FIRST WEEK.

Tattoos usually take about 6-8 weeks to heal and 6 months to fully settle into your skin. After a few months I’d love to see some healed photos! Please feel free to Instagram DM or email me photos taken from straight-on in natural lighting.