General Info

I currently work out of Neptune Tattoo Studio located in Downtown Los Angeles.

My session minimum is $200.

I only work Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

I will not tattoo anyone under 18; it is illegal to do so in California.

When my books open I put the booking link in my IG bio and at the bottom of this page. Please read all my policies and complete the form thoroughly.

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deposit policy

A NON-REFUNDABLE $100 deposit is required to secure an appointment ($150 for a 7-hour session) and goes towards the total cost of the tattoo.

You forfeit your deposit if: you no-show, cancel, or give less than 48 hours advance notice to reschedule.

Re-schedules done at latest 48 hours in advance can transfer the deposit to the new appointment time. Re-schedules done without 48 hour advance notice require a new deposit.

I will not hold/reserve a date without a deposit.

Flash Tattoos

Flash designs are pre-drawn, original designs.

Small, reasonable changes to flash can be requested (eg colors, adding/removing elements, making a design black/gray, etc). If your design changes are more extensive, I recommend submitting a custom request and using the flash design as reference/inspiration.

Custom Tattoos

I do not show designs until the day of the appointment. I’m happy to make small changes before, but major changes may require a reschedule.

I do not copy other artist's tattoos, and I do not tattoo other people's artwork without proof of permission or a tattoo ticket.

Before Your Appointment

Sleep well the night before, don’t consume alcohol or take any blood-thinning medication for a few days before getting a tattoo. If you are taking antibiotics or about to start them please let me know; I do not tattoo clients until they’ve completed their course of antibiotics.

Eat and drink something.

Please come to your appointment sober and clean.

What to Bring

Water, snacks, government-issued ID, something to watch, read, or listen to if you’d like.


How much for this flash design?

If you’re on the fence about getting a tattoo feel free to DM me on Instagram or email me at asking for a quote, otherwise if you’re certain you’ll be getting the tattoo you can fill out a request form and the quote will be emailed to you along with instructions on how to book.

Do you do color tests?

I offer free color tests, done one month before a color tattoo appointment so we can see how the color(s) heal on you.

Can I buy a design to get done by another tattoo artist?

At the moment I do not sell my designs to be tattooed by other artists.

Can you tattoo this drawing by another artist?

I will rarely tattoo other artists’ work and if I do you must show me proof of permission or have a tattoo ticket. I tattoo the art as is and do not make adjustments or redo it in my style.

How do I get a touch up?

You can send me an email with the subject line “Touch-Up” or DM me on Instagram. Please include photos of the healed tattoo, preferably taken from straight-on in natural light. First touch-ups are free within 1 year.

Can I use numbing cream?

I will ultimately leave it up to the client to decide if they want to use numbing cream, but please be aware of the risks of using it. There is a chance your skin will have an adverse reaction or cause your skin to reject ink, especially color inks. If you choose to use it, be sure to test the cream before EVERY single tattoo you get even if it is a product you’ve used before. If pain is your concern I personally don’t find it necessary for arm and leg tattoos.

I want to get a tattoo with a friend; do we have to fill out separate forms?

Yes please, and be sure each person mentions who they’re getting a tattoo with.

Books are currently closed and will re-open in December 2024.